Throughout my life I’ve been searching for that ultimate satisfaction, you know the one, the one that will last forever and that you’ll never want for anything ever again.. I’ve searched everywhere for this, in my career, relationships, personal achievement.. I was also running away from all the parts of myself that weren’t acceptable to me, like anxiety, emotional pain, negative thoughts..

Where was this satisfaction? How could I get it? On the other side of the coin, why is there so much pain? How can I get rid of it?

I first discovered Meditation in the summer of 2009, and it was a spontaneous, truly life changing event. Suddenly I could objectively see the mind and the nature of it’s functioning, yet I was observing this from a place of deep peace and freedom.

As I could see the mind from this new perspective, there was no longer any belief in it’s opinions, automatically there was a freedom from all concepts, so there was no stress, no anxiety, immense creativity, laughter, joy..

I felt so relaxed, so connected, I wasn’t worried about anything, not in a spaced out way, but in the understanding that the worry was just a symptom of the mind’s neurosis. It became very obvious to me that this is our true nature, and it’s only identification with the mind and it’s beliefs that appear to obscure this from us.

So I searched, read countless books, travelled, sat with many great teachers in the pursuit of understanding what this was and how to bring it to life, to live it, rather than just having had an experience..

What I learned is that who we are is constant unshakable presence, all neurosis comes from an unobserved mind, and to regain peace and clarity we must move our awareness into this pure presence that is us. When we do this, our minds settle and come to rest, because our mind is translating from where our attention dwells. If our attention is on fear, then it with convey fear, however if it dwells in the depth of who we are, then it will translate from a deep wise clarity. Our minds are only as wise, peaceful and kind as the depth of our presence allows..

In 2019, after years of sharing this knowledge with friends, family and anyone who showed an interest, I decided to enrol in a teachers training course at The British School of Meditation.

Meditation brings us back to who we are, before any ideas were projected on to us, it is liberating and it changes our orientation out of thinking and into being. Knowing the profound impact this has, knowing what positive change this can make in your life and the world around us, it is not only my obligation to share this, but is also my privilege and my joy to share this with you..

David Regan DipBSoM, AMRSPH

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